Planning Documents

Land use planning in Alberta must follow plans at both the provincial and municipal level of government. The planning diagram outlines the order in which land use planning decisions flow through the various planning documents.

The Village of Alberta Beach follows the Municipal Government Act

Statutory Plans
A statutory plan is a legal document that must go through three readings and a public hearing before it is adopted. Once adopted, there is a legal obligation on the part of both the municipality and the residents to adhere to the plan.

An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a statutory land use plan prepared by two (or more) municipalities that share a common border. An IDP ensures future development and land use policy are coordinated between municipalities. IDP's help to reduce the possibility of any future land use conflicts between municipalities.

Alberta Beach passed IDP Bylaw #244-15 with Lac Ste. Anne County and the Summer Villages of Sunset Point and Val Quentin on February 16, 2016.

Intermunicipal Development Plan

221-08 IDP Bylaw Amendment

Municipal Development Plan 251-17

Land Use Bylaw 252-17

Land Use District Map

Future Land Use Map

Hierarchy of Land Use Plans 

Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Cannabis

Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Garage Height

Planning Hierarchy In Alberta

Non-Statutory Plans
Non-stautory plans are documents or plans passed by resolution. They are often developed to help encourage a certain direction for development or growth in a particular area.