June 10, 2024

The Village of Alberta Beach has been bustling with activity as we work on a variety of projects focused on enhancing the community's infrastructure and facilities. The recent improvements include upgrades to paving and drainage systems, as well as planned enhancements at the boat launch area. These initiatives are a concerted effort to make Alberta Beach a more welcoming and convenient place for residents and visitors alike. With the goal of creating a more attractive and accessible environment, the Village is dedicated to making meaningful changes that will benefit the community for years to come. Through these ongoing efforts, Alberta Beach is striving to maintain its charm and appeal while also meeting the evolving needs of its residents.

Beyond physical enhancements, Alberta Beach has experienced a surge in new business establishments, fostering potential for economic growth and development. This influx of enterprises signifies the strong confidence that entrepreneurs place in Alberta Beach as both a thriving and hospitable community.

It is essential to emphasize that while social media is a fantastic platform to share personal experiences and updates, it is not a communication tool utilized by the Village for addressing community concerns. Directly contacting the office administration or councillors enables a more efficient and prompt response to issues that need attention. This direct communication allows for a personalized approach in addressing concerns, providing updates on ongoing projects, and sharing information about upcoming events. By utilizing this method, the Village can effectively address any issues or inquiries that residents may have, fostering a stronger sense of community engagement and connection. Additionally, engaging in direct communication helps to ensure clear and accurate information is shared, ultimately improving the overall communication and collaboration within the community.

Pride in our community is not just a fleeting emotion; it is a fundamental aspect that contributes to the success and well-being of Alberta Beach. With its rich history and tightly knit community spirit, residents have every reason to feel proud of where they live. Polynesian Days and SnoMo Days are shining examples of the sense of community and camaraderie that exists in Alberta Beach.                                                

These events, which bring people together and create lasting memories, would not be possible without the countless hours of dedication and hard work put in by volunteers. Their selfless efforts and passion for their community are what make Alberta Beach such a vibrant and engaging place to live. It is this spirit of volunteerism and pride that not only strengthens the bonds between residents but also makes Alberta Beach a welcoming and thriving village for all who call it home.

Over the past year, there have been many events and undertakings that contributed to a growing sense of optimism and pride within the community. The ongoing projects focused on enhancing infrastructure, and the addition of new businesses, have demonstrated noteworthy progress and growth in the area. This has not only improved the overall quality of life for residents but has also led to continued growth in community pride. Residents are encouraged to take ownership of their community by getting involved in volunteering efforts, which will further contribute to making Alberta Beach an exceptional place to live. With a promising future ahead, Alberta Beach is truly a community on the rise.


Kelly Muir, Mayor