Regular Council Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
The Informal Council Round Table Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Council meetings and Round Table meetings are held in the Alberta Beach Council Chambers located at 4935 – 50 Avenue.
For Regular Council Meetings if you wish to address Council on a certain subject, please email your request to or call 780-924-3181 to schedule attendance as a delegate. Include your name, email address, and a brief description of what you would like to address Council on. You will need to contact the village office by 4:00 P.M. on the 2nd Thursday of the month to be included in the next Council meeting agenda, the following Tuesday.
Council Meetings are open to the public and are held in-person as well as electronically via Zoom however we do have limited seating space available and therefore we ask that you either call our administration office at 780-924-3181 or email to register your attendance.
The public is invited to address Council on questions arising from the meeting. Council will only take questions at the end of the meeting, during the question period.
If anyone from the public would like to address Council on another matter, please contact or email our administration office to schedule attendance as a delegate at our next Council meeting. Council may not respond to an item during question period, if the question did not arise from the meeting, as Council has not had an opportunity to discuss and/or prepare for the question.
Agendas and Minutes can also be found under the – Village Council tab on the home page. The Zoom meeting link will be posted below shortly before the meeting.
Please note that the agenda is subject to changes up to and or during the meeting.
TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2025 @ 5:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2025 @ 7:30 p.m.
Posted March 13, 2025

Posted March 13, 2025

Property Tax Sale

Notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Village of Alberta Beach will offer for sale, by public auction, at the Alberta Beach Municipal Office at 4935 50 Avenue (Ste. Anne Trail), Alberta Beach, Alberta, on Friday, March 28, 2025, at 11:00 a.m., the following lands:
3A | 11 | 7720268 | 892237665 | $159,670.00 |
3A | 15 | 6476MC | 972134540 | $61,390.00 |
Each parcel will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title.
The land is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis, and Alberta Beach makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, or the developability of the subject land for any intended use by the purchaser. No bid will be accepted where the
bidder attempts to attach conditions precedent to the sale of any parcel. No terms and conditions of sale will be considered other than those specified by Alberta Beach.
Alberta Beach may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.
Terms: Cash, certified cheque or bank draft. 10% non-refundable deposit on the day of the sale and balance due within 14 days of the public auction. GST will apply if
Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.
Dated at Alberta Beach, Alberta, January 21, 2025.
Kathy Skwarchuk, Chief Administrative Officer.
What Does This Mean?
The Municipal Government Act (MGA) provides municipalities with the authority to enforce payment of taxes that are in arrears through the Tax Recovery Process (Sections 418-425). Taxes are in arrears if they remain unpaid after Dec 31 of the year in which they are imposed. If taxes remain in arrears for more than one year, they are placed on the Tax Arrears List submitted to the Registrar at the Land Titles Office by March 31 each year.
Once the registrar has endorsed the tax recovery notification, the owner of the parcel and anyone with an interest in the property is sent a notice from Land Titles advising that if the taxes are not paid by Mar 31 of the following year, the municipality will offer the parcel for sale at public auction.
Notice of the auction must be provided to the Alberta Gazette and also placed in the newspaper within a certain number of days before the sale date. Alberta Beach must also send a letter to the owner, advising that the property will be offered for sale at auction.
As per Section 419 of the MGA, Council must set a reserve bid that is as close as reasonably possible to the market value of the property. The 2024 assessed value will be used as the reserve bid.
The owner may pay the tax arrears, penalties, and costs at any time prior to the auction.
Contact Information
For queries:
Email: or
Call: 780-924-3181
Update: March 10, 2025
Alberta Beach – Val Quentin -Sunset Point Residents
Q&A: Bringing Next-Generation Fiber Internet to Your Community
We’re just 200 households away from moving forward with the fibre optic installation! If you’re still
undecided, check out the Q&A: Bringing Next-Generation Fiber Internet to Your Community, HERE where common questions and concerns are addressed. If you need more details or have any additional inquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Connect directly. You can contact them at 1-587-287-0131 or email
Thank you for your support!
Thank you, Lac Ste. Anne County!
Alberta Beach would like to recognize and express our sincere appreciation to Lac Ste. Anne County for
the financial support received in 2024. The Lac Ste. Anne County’s Recreation Facility & Program
Assistance Grants provided financial assistance towards the maintenance costs for the Alberta Beach
Boat Launch Park as well as the Alberta Beach Main Beach Park in the amount of $10,000.00 for each
facility. The program also supported $1,000.00 towards maintenance costs for the Alberta Beach Ball
Diamonds. It’s through working together that our community and the region will continue to benefit
from these recreation facilities.

January 7, 2025
A New Era of Internet Speed and Reliability Is Coming!
Serving Alberta Beach | Val Quentin | Sunset Point
Fiber Internet Service Offer – Clarification and Additional Information
We understand there may be some skepticism or questions circulating on social media regarding the recent offer we posted for Fiber Internet Service from Connect Mobility Inc. (Connect), for homes and businesses in Alberta Beach, Sunset Point, and Val Quentin. We would like to take this opportunity to clarify and try to address any concerns that may have arisen. The exclusive early sign-up offer and other important details are listed in the attachment.
Connect Mobility Inc. (Connect) is excited to announce the upcoming launch of Fiber Internet Service for homes and businesses in 2025! This is a major step forward in internet technology, and your community is poised to experience a new era of internet speed, reliability, and performance.
This groundbreaking development will bring significant benefits to Alberta Beach, but we need your support to make it happen. 400+ residents and businesses are needed to sign up in the next 45 days to ensure this project moves forward.
A Collaborative Effort for a Stronger Community
Alberta Beach has been collaborating with Connect Mobility since 2022 to improve internet service throughout the tri-municipal region. After a year of careful planning, engineering, and design, the installation process is ready to begin in late February 2025.
This major upgrade, designed to enhance connectivity in our communities, will provide lightning-fast, reliable internet speeds delivered through a cutting-edge fiber network. Using FortisAlberta poles, this infrastructure will bring high-speed internet directly to your door, revolutionizing the way you experience the internet.
Why Fiber Internet?
Fiber-optic technology offers significantly faster speeds and greater reliability than traditional copper or wireless networks. Whether you’re streaming, working from home, or running a business, this upgrade will ensure you have the bandwidth you need.
No-Cost Installation – Limited Time Offer!
We’ll connect aerial fiber to your property at no cost while our crews are in your community.
- There is no obligation to activate service right away.
- Did you know? High-speed Internet boosts property value.
- Future installation requests will cost $1,000 per property, so don’t miss this opportunity!
How You Can Help
To make this project a reality, we need your support! By signing up for Fiber Internet, you’ll help ensure the success of this initiative and bring faster internet to everyone in the community.
How to Sign Up:
- Visit:
- Enter your address to grant Connect Mobility access to your property.
- Select your preferred internet plan or TV service.
- Once your service is activated, your plan will begin.
Need More Information?
Should you need further clarification or assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Connect directly at:
- Phone: 1-587-287-0131
- Website:
- Email:

The West Inter Lake District (WILD) Water Commission will be completing Construction on a Regional Waterline extension from Alberta Beach to Darwell in early 2025. The work will begin on January 6th, 2025, in Alberta Beach and continue for about 1 week within the Community. Construction signage and road safety signage will be present in work zones and speeds will be reduced temporarily near active work. Temporary road closures, if necessary, will be identified and detours provided.”
December 29, 2024

Come on Down to the Outdoor Rink at Beachwave Park!
The outdoor skating rink is officially open and ready for a season full of fun! Whether you’re looking to glide peacefully across the ice or jump into a fast-paced game of hockey, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. We offer free use of skates, sticks, and pucks—just grab your gear and hit the ice!
After a fun skate session, warm up at the rink shack with a cozy cup of hot chocolate to keep you toasty.
Don’t miss out on the winter fun!
Important Notice: The rink is open even when the shack is closed, but please stay off the ice if maintenance and flooding are taking place.

December 23, 2024
Congratulations to the winners of our 24th Annual Christmas Light-Up Contest.
Council would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the residents who participated in this year’s contest. A special thank you goes to Donovan Boggs, Ken Anderson, and Councillor Daryl Weber for their invaluable contribution as judges.

November 25, 2024

November 14, 2024

October 21, 2024

October 21, 2024

October 21, 2024

October 21, 2024

October 21, 2024

Alberta Beach is conducting a Survey
Possibility of Sea Cans in R-1 and R-2 Residential District
Add your voice to this current engagement activity to help advise Council and Administration of your thoughts. Your input can help shape local decisions, so make sure to take part! Residents are asked to complete an anonymous survey. The survey will be open for 30 days (October 14, 2024). THIS SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED
During the August 13th, 2024, Council “Round Table” a decision was made to engage with residents of the Village regarding the possibility of amending Land Use Bylaw 252-17 to allow Sea Cans – in the R-1 or R-2 Residential Districts as sheds. The Land Use Bylaw currently restricts placement of Sea Cans as Accessory Structures (Sheds) to just these three (3) districts:
- CI – Commercial;
- C2 – Commercial – Mixed Use; and
- M1 – Light Industrial
Please click for detailed information and the Survey, thank you for your participation.
Notice of application to be filed for approval of the natural gas distribution franchise agreement between Alberta Beach and ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd.
Posted on: September 16, 2024
Application summary
The Alberta Utilities Commission expects to receive an application from ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. to approve the existing current and valid natural gas distribution franchise agreement with Alberta Beach. This application for approval is required due to changes made by the Utilities Affordability Statutes Amendment Act, 2024, to various statutes governing franchise agreements.
The current franchise agreement, which took effect in March of 2020, grants ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. the exclusive right to deliver natural gas to the residents of Alberta Beach for approximately ten years.
No changes to the franchise agreement or to the franchise fee rate rider percentage are being made as part of this application. The franchise fee rate rider percentage will remain at its current rate, which is 8%. Including linear taxes, the resulting average monthly franchise fee for an average residential customer will remain the same at approximately $5.79. The franchise fee is calculated based on distribution charges. An average residential customer uses about 105 gigajoules per year.
You may send your concerns about, objections to, or support for the application in writing to Alberta Beach or to ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. on or before September 30, 2024, at:12:00 PM.
Alberta Beach
Contact Name: Kathy Skwarchuk,
Box 278, 4935-50 Avenue, Alberta Beach, AB, T0E 0A0
Phone: 780-924-3181
ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd.
Attn: Franchise Agreement Coordinator
5302 Forand Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta, T3E 8B4
Phone: 310-5678 or 1-888-511-7550
Any submissions received, unless you request otherwise, will be part of the application submitted and will become part of the public record.
For more information on franchises or to receive a copy of the franchise agreement please contact either Alberta Beach or ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. at the addresses listed above.
For more information:
For more information about the AUC or its approval process associated with franchise applications, please contact the AUC directly at 310-4AUC or at
The Alberta Utilities Commission is an independent, quasi-judicial regulatory body responsible for making decisions about utility-related applications.
Issued on September 16, 2024
Alberta Utilities Commission

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30 is an important occasion in Canada, dedicated to reflecting on the legacy of residential schools and fostering healing between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. This day emphasizes the need for understanding, acknowledgment of past injustices, and commitment to reconciliation.
Orange Shirt Day, which coincides with this day, invites Canadians to wear orange to honor the experiences of Indigenous children and to recognize the lasting impact of residential schools. The color orange symbolizes the loss of culture and freedom, reminding everyone that “Every Child Matters.”
Participating in activities, sharing stories, and engaging in educational opportunities are great ways to observe this day and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about reconciliation and healing.

Alberta Beach would like to recognize that June 21 marks National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and outstanding contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Indigenous Peoples of Canada. We are pleased to acknowledge, honour, and celebrate the First Peoples and their relatives. With today marking the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, it is fitting to celebrate these two occasions together. The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year, where the Sun remains in our celestial sphere for the most amount of time all year and holds cultural and spiritual significance to Indigenous Peoples. However, we cannot gather to celebrate Mother Earth and the gifts she gives, as well as the language, cultures, and ceremonies of Indigenous People around Canada without taking pause and acknowledging the hundreds of graves, long known but only recently found, at Canada’s residential school sites. We must reflect on both, the unfortunate history, as well as, the future and all its potential with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, if we are to commit to truth and reconciliation.

The 2024 Combined Tax Statement & Assessment Notices were mailed on June 10 and will be deemed received on June 18, with a payment deadline of August 9, 2024.
Please contact the Village office if you do not receive your tax notice or, if you have purchased a property in the last few months. You are responsible for ensuring that the Village has the correct mailing address for your property.
Please be advised that paving crews will begin paving on June 11, 2024, in the following areas:
47 Avenue (from 50A Street to 53 Street)
52 Street (from 49 Avenue to 50 Avenue)
46 Avenue (from 47 Street to 46B Street)
46B Street (from 46 Avenue to 45 Avenue)
The contractor will do their best to work with residents in providing property access. We apologize for any inconvenience.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Village Office at 780-924-3181 and we will do our best to assist you.

“Advancing Quality of Life For All”

WILD Water Commission Truck Fills – Fire Response Priority
As a member of the WILD Water Commission, Alberta Beach would like to remind our residents and stakeholders that active fire/emergency responses in the region must be afforded priority access at WILD truck fill stations. If you notice a fire truck with lights flashing and sirens on in line at a water station, please pull aside to give them immediate access to the site. If you are filling your water tank and must vacate to accommodate a fire response unit, note the time and location of the incident and contact the Commission to discuss compensation for resulting water loss/costs.
Please also consider signing-up to the Commission’s stakeholder (email) notice board for live updates on any restricted access/response impacted/closed stations throughout the year. Visit the Commission website at for more information or contact the office at 780-967-0271 for more information.

Due to recent precipitation please be advised that the FIRE BAN as well as the ATV/UTV BAN for Alberta Beach has now been lifted effective Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
Although the Fire Ban has been lifted, residents should remain diligent and aware of potential fire risks. Recreational Fire(s) in acceptable pits, are allowed in accordance with Burning Bylaw 247-16.
Thank you for your cooperation during the fire ban!
A FIRE BAN is in effect for Alberta Beach, effective immediately until further notice. All existing fires must be extinguished immediately.
This Fire Ban affects all outdoor fires, recreational fires, including screened fire pits, incinerators, or portable appliance not fuelled by propane or natural gas.
ATV’s, UTV’s, and Dirt Bikes are also prohibited within the municipality of Alberta Beach during this fire ban. Additionally, Fireworks discharges are NOT ALLOWED.
Only CSA approved portable Propane or Natural Gas appliances such as BBQ’s, stoves, and pits or fire tables are permitted. Ensure that your propane or natural gas appliance is shut down after use.
Please report any wildfire or fire to 9-1-1 or call 310-FIRE. Provide the exact location to 911 to assist fire department personnel in locating and extinguishing these fires in a timely fashion. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
For additional information on current fire bans within the Province of Alberta, visit
Should you have any questions regarding the fire ban, please contact the village office at (780) 924-3181.
APRIL 16, 2024

Alberta Beach is proposing amendments to Land Use Bylaw 252-17 to address affordability of new residential construction. A Public Hearing as required under Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act (Sections 632, 639 and 692), will be held Tuesday, February 20, 2024 to hear any written or oral submissions on the proposed Land Use Bylaw amendment. Written submissions will be heard first; oral submissions will be heard during the Hearing.
The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING with details and the PROPOSED AMENDMENT (Bylaw 295-24) to Land Use Bylaw 252-17 are also available for viewing above.
If you have any comments regarding the proposed Land Use Bylaw amendments, please submit them to the Village of Alberta Beach during office hours, Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or contact the Village’s Development Officer Paul Hanlan RPP MCIP CMML, at (780) 994-1883 or by email at

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act Alberta Beach will offer for sale, by public auction, at the Alberta Beach Municipal Office at 4935-50 Avenue (Ste. Anne Trail), Alberta Beach, Alberta on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. the following lands:
1 | 19 | 6269CG | 042289457 | $51,940.00 |
3A | 3 | 9925067 | 992241755 | $85,800.00 |
Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing Certificate of Title.
The land is being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis and Alberta Beach makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence, or presence of environmental contamination, or the developability of the subject land for any intended use by the purchaser. No bid will be accepted where the bidder attempts to attach conditions precedent to the sale of any parcel. No terms and conditions of sale will be considered other than those specified by Alberta Beach.
Alberta Beach may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land not sold at the public auction.
TERMS: Cash, certified cheque, or bank draft. 10% non-refundable deposit on the day of the sale and balance due within 14 days of the public auction. GST will apply if applicable.
Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale. If the auction is cancelled because of all tax arrears being paid, Alberta Beach will post a notice in the Village Office Administration Building lobby.
Dated at Alberta Beach, Alberta January 16, 2024
Kathy Skwarchuk, Chief Administrative Officer
What Does This Mean?
The Municipal Government Act (MGA) provides municipalities with the authority to enforce payment of taxes that are in arrears through the Tax Recovery Process (Sections 418-425). Taxes are in arrears if they remain unpaid after Dec 31 of the year in which they are imposed. If taxes remain in arrears for more than one year, they are placed on the Tax Arrears List submitted to the Registrar at the Land Titles Office by March 31 each year. Notice is sent to the property owner at the same time.
Once the registrar has endorsed the tax recovery notification, the owner of the parcel and anyone with an interest in the property is sent a notice from Land Titles advising that if the taxes are not paid by Mar 31 of the following year, the municipality will offer the parcel for sale at public auction.
Notice of the auction must be provided to the Alberta Gazette and also placed in the newspaper within a certain number of days before the sale date. The Village must also send a letter to the owner, advising that the property will be offered for sale at auction.
As per Section 419 of the MGA, Council must set a reserve bid that is as close as reasonably possible to the market value of the property. The 2023 assessed value will be used as the reserve bid.
The owner may pay the tax arrears, penalties, and costs at any time prior to the auction.
Posted January 22, 2024
Alberta Beach maintenance crews follow a priority system based on Snow and Control Policy G.3.5 to manage snow and ice on winter roads.
The full Snow and Ice Control Policy can be viewed HERE.
Snow Removal Schedule
- Emergency services
- Truck routes
- Main arterial roads
- School Bus route (46 St. & 45 Ave)
- Residential streets
- Alleys
- Municipal parking lots
- Windrows
Please be patient as there may be slight delays while crews are removing snow.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please be advised that this schedule is subject to change without notice.
Garbage, Organics & Blue Bag Pick-Up Schedule 2024 – Print Here
COMMUNITY EVENTS CALENDAR – Local Community Groups are invited to contact the Village Office at 780-924-3181 or via email at for instructions on how to get access to the Community Events Calendar on our website for posting your community events.
Posted December 6, 2023
Alberta Beach would like to recognize and express our sincere appreciation to Lac Ste. Anne County for the financial support received in 2023. The Lac Ste. Anne County’s Recreation Facility & Program Assistance Grants provided financial assistance towards the maintenance costs for the Alberta Beach Boat Launch Park as well as the Alberta Beach Main Beach Park in the amount of $10,000.00 for each facility. The program also supported $1,000.00 towards maintenance costs for the Alberta Beach Ball Diamonds. It’s through working together that our community and region will continue to reap the benefits of our recreation facilities.
Friendly Reminder – Judges will be out driving around on the evening of December 16th so don’t forget to turn your lights on!
Our local fire service has published their response and service statistical information report summary for January 1 through June 30, 2023.
Please click to view the report.
Posted November 15, 2023
Government of Alberta have – Have Your Say
Help inform potential changes to election rules that will enhance accountability and public trust in local elections and elected officials.
Take the two online surveys by December 6 to share your feedback on electronic tabulators, voter eligibility, councillor code of conduct rules and other topics related to local government officials and elections.
Learn more:

We are always looking for new team members – volunteer, paid on-call, and staff positions. Whether you’re looking for a new career, a career change, or just wanting to be a part of team we’ve got a solution for you!
Currently we have these excellent staff positions open for applicants:
Please view the attached postings above for more detail.
East End Bus Schedule – October, November, December 2023
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is September 30, 2023, Canadians learn, recognize, and reflect upon the history and ongoing legacy of residential schools, the trauma experienced by many, and the hope for a healthy future. The day emphasizes the ongoing need for reconciliation and building and strengthening relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.
September 30 is also Orange Shirt Day, a day when Canadians wear orange to recognize the ongoing intergenerational effects of residential schools and to acknowledge that “Every Child Matters”. The orange shirt symbolizes the stripping away of culture, self-esteem, and freedom from Indigenous children over generations.

Posted: September 22, 2023
52/52A Street Alley – Drainage & Re-grading
Please be advised that Alberta Beach will be re-grading and installing culverts in the 52/52A Street alley between 47 Avenue & 48 Avenue as shown on the map below.
This project is scheduled to begin late September or early October, 2023. It is anticipated the project will only take one to two days to complete. We are asking that the property owners access their property through the front street during construction. It may also be necessary to place your organic or waste carts in the front during the construction.
Please ensure that all personal property is removed from the road allowance.
Thank you for your co-operation and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please do not hesitate to contact the municipal office at 780-924-3181 or email if you have any questions or require any further information.

51 Street Lake Access Road – Drainage
Please be advised that Alberta Beach will be installing culverts and a catch basin at the 51 Street lake access road as shown on the map below.
This project is scheduled to begin late September or early October 2023. It is anticipated the project will only take one to two days to complete. We will request that the contractor allow access to the affected properties during construction. It may be necessary to relocate your organic or waste carts during the construction.
Please ensure that all personal property is removed from the road allowance.
Thank you for your co-operation and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please do not hesitate to contact the municipal office at 780-924-3181 or email if you have any questions or require any further information.

46B Street – Drainage
Please be advised that Alberta Beach will be installing a storm drain culvert system along 46B Street as shown on the map below.
This project is scheduled to begin early in October 2023. We are asking that the property owners access their property through the rear alleys during construction. If you have front garbage pick-up please place your carts in the rear during construction.
Also please ensure that all personal property is removed from the road allowance.
Thank you for your co-operation and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please do not hesitate to contact the municipal office at 780-924-3181 or email if you have any questions or require any further information.
August 28, 2023
August 4, 2023: IMPORTANT NOTICE – This is a friendly reminder that Alberta Beach property taxes are due and payable by August 9th, 2023. An 18% penalty will apply on August 10th to unpaid amounts for 2023. If you did not receive your tax notice, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Village Office at 780-924-3181.
Tuesday to Friday – open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Monday, August 28, 2023, until 12:00 noon at the Alberta Beach Village Office.
Alberta Beach is holding a by-election to fill 1 Councillor vacancy. For further information or to file Nomination Papers please contact Cathy McCartney Returning Officer at 780-924-3181 or by email at Full details can be found online at
July 10, 2023: LILSA Water Quality Management Society

Public Notice – Waste and Organics Collection Change: Effective July 17, 2023
If your residence is in the affected highlighted area on the maps below your Waste and Organics collection has been changed to front curb pick-up. If you notice your cart isn’t where you placed it out for collection, it has been moved to the front curb. Your residence has a small alleyway and to avoid unnecessary resident property damage in the alleyway your waste and organics cart collection has been changed to front curb pick-up. Please take note of where you find your cart(s). This is where they will be picked up from now on. Affected residences will also be receiving a flyer with details. If you have any questions, please contact the Village Office at 780-924-3181.

Posted June 26, 2023

June 21, 2023 – Alberta Beach would like to recognize that June 21 marks National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and outstanding contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Indigenous Peoples of Canada. We are pleased to acknowledge, honour, and celebrate the First Peoples and their relatives. With today marking the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, it is fitting to celebrate these two occasions together. The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year, where the Sun remains in our celestial sphere for the most amount of time all year and holds cultural and spiritual significance to Indigenous Peoples. However, we cannot gather to celebrate Mother Earth and the gifts she gives, as well as the language, cultures, and ceremonies of Indigenous People around Canada without taking pause and acknowledging the hundreds of graves, long known but only recently found, at Canada’s residential school sites. We must reflect on both, the unfortunate history, as well as, the future and all its potential with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, if we are to commit to truth and reconciliation.

June 21, 2023

It’s Emergency Preparedness Week (May 7-13), 2023 – Day One
This year’s theme is Build Preparedness Habits.
Everyone has a role to play in an emergency. EP Week is an opportunity to take action to ensure you are prepared to protect yourself, your family and your community during an emergency. Take a few simple steps to become better prepared to face a range of emergencies – anytime, anywhere. Be Prepared. Know Your Risks.
Be prepared and get alerts by downloading the Alberta Emergency app (…) and visit Alerts and Advisories (…) to learn what other alerting services are available.
Emergency Preparedness Week (May 7-13)
What would you do if you found yourself face-to-face with an emergency?
Emergency Preparedness Week is a reminder that preparedness isn’t just about being ready for the next big disaster. It’s about making preparedness a part of your regular routine, so you are better able to navigate disruptions, big or small.
One of the most critical things you can have is a personal preparedness kit and plan. You and your family should be able to be self-sustaining for 72-hours, whether you have to evacuate or shelter-in-place.
Being prepared means you:
– Know what to do.
– Know where to go,
– Have enough supplies to last at least 3 days. Think of things like
food and water, medications, pets.
Being prepared:
– Can keep you safe and comfortable
– Get you back to your life and work sooner.
– Helps everyone because first responders can focus on dealing
with the emergency.
For more tips on emergency preparedness visit
Emergency Preparedness Week (May 7-13)
Alberta Emergency Management Agency has created a toolkit to support you and your community in building preparedness habits. Visit to download. #BePrepared #EmergencyPreparedness

It’s Emergency Preparedness Week (May 7-13)
Are you prepared? Take time now to pack a grab–and–go bag for your family. If you’re required to evacuate in the event of an emergency, make sure you have the essentials ready.
For more tips on emergency preparedness visit

Emergency Preparedness Week (May 7-13)
FireSmart Alberta has recently released the new FireSmart Begins at Home Guide! It’s full of helpful tips to reduce wildfire risk on your property and increase your resilience. Download now, or message us for a printed copy!
To ensure your Organics are picked up on collection day, use the following tips:
- Place your cart out by 7:00 am on collection day.
- Ensure your Organic cart is in the correct location and has at least 1 meter (4ft) clearance on all sides, and above.
- Do not bag organics.
- The cart lid must be fully closed, overflowing carts will not be collected. Extra bags of leaves/organics will not be collected.
- Questions or concerns please call Integrity Waste Solutions at 780-437-5000.
To assist Alberta Beach residents with their extra bags of leaves/organics our Public Works Department will be picking up the extra bags on Friday, May 19, and Friday, May 26, 2023, at 7:30 a.m.
- Please place bagged leaves near the location where you place your Organics cart.
- Please Note: After these pick-up dates it will be the responsibility of the property owner to take their extra bags of leaves/organics to the Highway 43 East Waste Commission main landfill site. The landfill site is open Monday – Saturday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. For more information about landfill hours, including holiday closures, and address, visit
April 27, 2023
Did you know that Alberta’s wildfire season officially started on March 1?
Each season brings the risk of erratic wildfire behavior that can destroy lives and property. Wildfires can impact both rural and urban communities. Take a few moments to learn about what you can do to be better prepared. Individuals and families should be prepared to take care of themselves for at least 72 hours.
Visit, so you can:
• Stay current on Alberta’s wildfire situation
• Check for fire bans, advisories, or restrictions in your area
- You can find more wildfire preparedness tips at
Visit to get information on current fire bans, advisories, and restrictions throughout the province.
Click to view the Last-Minute Checklist for Protecting Your Home & Property from Wildfire.
Posted April 13, 2023
As part of an annual re-inspection cycle program, the Village Assessors will be reviewing properties beginning today and off and on over the next couple of weeks. They will be taking digital photographs of all of the properties in the re-inspection areas. The vehicle is a Red Hyundai and will have signage on the vehicle with Municipal Assessment Services Group Inc logo and phone number.
Posted April 6, 2023
Please read the following Statement from Mayor Duncan regarding Crime in Alberta Beach. Click to view
Posted March 3rd, 2023:
IMPORTANT INFORMATION – Waste and Organic Collection Changes
Notice to Alberta Beach Residents and Property Owners
For the past year, Alberta Beach Council has been reviewing options for waste collection in Alberta Beach and has decided to contract the service to a private service provider. Commencing April 2023 Alberta Beach will begin solid waste and organic waste collection services with Integrity Waste Solutions. This will introduce some changes to resident’s curb side collection.
Solid Waste & Organic Collection Information – Click to View Details
Effective April 5, 2023
Internet Speed Test Extension:
Unless you have already done so, don’t forget to submit your internet speed test results to along with your municipal address. We need a minimum of 150 more participants for our application!
We thank you for your support in this initiative.

Town of Onoway FCSS Administration
On behalf of the following municipalities
Lac Ste. Anne County provides internal Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) programming for its residents and has offered availability to the following programs for local residents:
Home Support Program offers light housekeeping services such as dishes, laundry, vacuuming and much more for senior clients. This program is available for residents of the following municipalities:
- Alberta Beach
- Town of Onoway
- Summer Village of Castle Island
- Summer Village of Silver Sands
- Summer Village of Southview
- Summer Village of Sunrise Beach
- Summer Village of Sunset Point
- Summer Village of Val Quentin
- Summer Village of West Cove
Preventative Counselling Subsidies is a program provided to eligible individuals, couples or families in the region who find themselves struggling to afford the cost of short-term preventative counselling services and who meet specific income thresholds. This program is available for residents of the above municipalities (with the exception of the Town of Onoway).
These programs are available on a first come first served format, as funding permits.
Please contact Lac Ste. Anne County (LSAC) to access these services or if you have any questions.
Phone: 780-785-3411 (toll-free 1-866-880-5722)
DID YOU KNOW? Alberta RCMP has a mobile app to help keep Albertans informed.
A number of people have expressed concerns about crime in the community. Council shares the same concerns. The easiest, most impactful thing you can do is report any and all crimes. Even if it is just the theft of an extension cord. The RCMP has developed an app that allows you to quickly and easily report a crime. You can find more info at…/alberta-rcmp-launch-mobile….
This is important because RCMP resources are allocated based on call volume. The more crime is reported, the more RCMP resources are available to our community leading to higher levels of responsiveness in our community.
Annual Dog License Fee’s
Male or Female unaltered dogs $20.00
Neutered male or spayed Female dogs $10.00
Vicious Dog $250.00
Replacement Tag $5.00
- All dogs must be leashed and under your control at all times whenever in public and you are not on your own property.
- Dogs are NOT permitted to run at large
- Dogs are NOT permitted on the main public beach area or in parks; however they can be taken to the beach access road points.
- No more than two dogs per residence
- If a dog defecates on any public or private property other than the property owner, the owner shall remove such defecation immediately. Pet waste stations are located in Gazebo Park, Boat Launch Park, 47th Street and along the walking paths – these rules are in place for the enjoyment and safety of everyone.
If you have a concern or a complaint please call the Patrol Department by phone at 780-924-3434 or by email at
Decision: May 28th, 2021 Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Hearing Decision letter File No. 21SDAB15-01. Click to view
2020 Municipal Accountability Report Program (MAP REVIEW) – Letter of Completion. Click to view
Alberta Environment & Parks: Zebra mussels have been found in moss (marimo) balls imported and sold in Alberta. Please click the Alert link below for detailed information with steps Albertans’ need to take to dispose of the invasive species safely and properly.
- Live zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) have been detected in moss (marimo) balls being sold at various plant and pet stores across Alberta.
- Reports from the public of live zebra mussels in moss balls in personal aquariums have also been reported, including one individual who had purchased their moss balls in early February.
- AEP is working closely with jurisdictional partners across Canada.
- As of March 9, Albertans are being asked to destroy moss balls that were purchased after January 1, 2021 to eliminate the risk of zebra mussels being introduced to the environment. Guidelines on how to destroy moss balls has been provided through an alert.
Please share!
Fireworks Bylaw #232-11
No person shall:
Display for sale, offer for sale, sell, purchase, possess to sell, transport, store, obtain, give, discharge, or otherwise possess fireworks within the Village.
The Village of Alberta Beach would still like to promote organized professional Firework’s displays at celebrations. Permits may be issued to an individual who has a valid Federal Fireworks Operator Certificate & meets the requirements of Bylaw #232-11
Permits will only be granted for:
- New years: 20:00 hours (8:00 PM) December 31 – 01:00 hours (1:00 AM) January 1
- Canada Day: 20:00 hours (8:00 PM) – 23:59 hours (11:59 PM) July 1
- Labour Day: 20:00 hours (8:00 PM) – 23:59 hours (11:59 PM) on the first Monday of September
- Special Events specifically approved by a motion of Council
Permits from another municipality are not valid in the Village of Alberta Beach. *** Permits issued in any other municipality may only be used to transport any fireworks through the Village and directly out of the Village without stopping. An individual who is convicted of an offence pursuant to this bylaw for which no specific penalty has been provided is liable to a fine of not less than $250.00 and not more than $10,000.00.
Specified Penalties:
Discharge / Possess Fireworks $250.00
Selling Firework $1,000.00
Set up, operate or discharge a pyrotechnic display $500.00
Obstructs, interferes with, hinders, an Enforcement
Officer $500.00
Offer fireworks for sale $500.00
Transport fireworks $250.00
A complete copy of bylaw #232-11 is available for viewing under the bylaw section of the website or copies can be obtained from the village office.
Supporting local business – Keeping communities together
All the Businesses in Lac Ste. Anne at Your Fingertips
Shop the County is an online directory that instantly connects businesses in Alberta’s Lac Ste. Anne region with customers near and far.
Locals, business travelers and vacationers alike can browse and search for regional goods, services and company details, and the owners of these businesses can connect with potential shoppers like never before.
Shop the County
- Add Your Business
- Business Owner Login
- Learning Library
- Account Support
- Contact Information
- Other Resources
Partner Regions
- Lac Ste. Anne County
- Town of Onoway
- Alberta Beach
Click the link below for more information!
Get your business noticed at
Partners In Progress – Economic Development Initiative
The Community Futures Yellowhead East office is a community driven, non-profit organization staffed by business professionals and guided by a volunteer Board of Directors. They provide a wide range of small business services and business management tools for people wanting to start, expand, franchise or sell a business. We also run a number of specialized business programs, organize exciting business events and actively work with community and business leaders to foster rural economic growth.
Funded in Western Canada by Western Economic Diversification Canada, Community Futures has been supporting small business and rural economic diversification since 1986. There are 27 Community Futures offices in rural communities throughout Alberta, and a total of 269 across the country.
Follow us on Facebook @villageofalbertabeach and Twitter @valbertabeach