
The Village of Alberta Beach was incorporated in 1920 and is set on the south east shores of Lac Ste. Anne 60km West of Edmonton and is primarily used for recreation. Over the years Alberta Beach has become a popular resort to visit which has a combination of permanent and summer residents. Our permanent population taken from the 2021 census is now 864 and on a busy summer weekend can attract 3000 or more visitors.

Alberta Beach has a 5-member Council whose term runs until 2025


Alberta Beach is conducting a Survey
Possibility of Sea Cans in R-1 and R-2 Residential Districts

Add your voice to this current engagement activity to help advise Council and Administration of your thoughts. Your input can help shape local decisions, so make sure to take part!

Residents are asked to complete an anonymous survey. The survey will be open for 30 days (October 14, 2024).

During the August 13th, 2024, Council “Round Table” a decision was made to engage with residents of the Village regarding the possibility of amending Land Use Bylaw 252-17 to allow Sea Cans – in the R-1 or R-2 Residential Districts as sheds.  The Land Use Bylaw currently restricts placement of Sea Cans as Accessory Structures (Sheds) to just these three (3) districts:

1. CI – Commercial;
2. C2 – Commercial – Mixed Use; and
3. M1 – Light Industrial

Please click for detailed information and the Survey, thank you for your participation.

Notice of application to be filed for approval of the natural gas distribution franchise agreement between Alberta Beach and ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd.

Posted on: September 16, 2024

Application summary 
The Alberta Utilities Commission expects to receive an application from ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. to approve the existing current and valid natural gas distribution franchise agreement with Alberta Beach.  This application for approval is required due to changes made by the Utilities Affordability Statutes Amendment Act, 2024, to various statutes governing franchise agreements.
The current franchise agreement, which took effect in March of 2020, grants ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. the exclusive right to deliver natural gas to the residents of Alberta Beach for approximately ten years. 
No changes to the franchise agreement or to the franchise fee rate rider percentage are being made as part of this application.  The franchise fee rate rider percentage will remain at its current rate, which is 8%. Including linear taxes, the resulting average monthly franchise fee for an average residential customer will remain the same at approximately $5.79. The franchise fee is calculated based on distribution charges. An average residential customer uses about 105 gigajoules per year.
You may send your concerns about, objections to, or support for the application in writing to Alberta Beach or to ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. on or before September 30, 2024, at:12:00 PM.
Alberta Beach
Contact Name: Kathy Skwarchuk,
Box 278, 4935-50 Avenue, Alberta Beach, AB, T0E 0A0
Phone: 780-924-3181
E-Mail: aboffice@albertabeach.com
ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd.
Attn: Franchise Agreement Coordinator
5302 Forand Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta, T3E 8B4
Phone: 310-5678 or 1-888-511-7550
Email: franchisecoordinatorgas@atco.com
Any submissions received, unless you request otherwise, will be part of the application submitted and will become part of the public record.
For more information on franchises or to receive a copy of the franchise agreement please contact either Alberta Beach or ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. at the addresses listed above.

For more information:
For more information about the AUC or its approval process associated with franchise applications, please contact the AUC directly at 310-4AUC or at info@auc.ab.ca.
The Alberta Utilities Commission is an independent, quasi-judicial regulatory body responsible for making decisions about utility-related applications. 
Issued on September 16, 2024 

Alberta Utilities Commission

July 18, 2024 – AHS has issued a BLUE-GREEN ALGAE ADVISORY for Lac Ste. Anne. Whether visiting this lake or other lakes within Alberta, visit https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/news/Page1926.aspx for a list of current AHS advisories.

A water quality advisory has been issued for the
Alberta Beach Main Beach & Boat Launch areas.

July 12, 2024
ALBERTA BEACH – Due to elevated levels of fecal bacteria currently present in the water at Alberta Beach at the Main Beach and Boat Launch areas, located within the AHS North Zone of Alberta Health Services (AHS), AHS is advising the public not to swim or wade at these beach areas, effective immediately.

Elevated levels of fecal bacteria were detected via testing of the lake water at these locations. At current levels, gastrointestinal illness may result from ingestion of the water. As well, there is the possibility of skin, ear and eye infections with water contact.

As always, visitors and residents are reminded to never drink or cook with untreated water directly from any lake or reservoir, at any time. Water-borne organisms, including fecal bacteria, can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

AHS Environmental Public Health officers will continue to monitor the water in these areas.

This advisory will remain in effect until further notice.


WILD Water Commission Truck Fills – Fire Response Priority

As a member of the WILD Water Commission, Alberta Beach would like to remind our residents and stakeholders that active fire/emergency responses in the region must be afforded priority access at WILD truck fill stations. If you notice a fire truck with lights flashing and sirens on in line at a water station, please pull aside to give them immediate access to the site. If you are filling your water tank and must vacate to accommodate a fire response unit, note the time and location of the incident and contact the Commission to discuss compensation for resulting water loss/costs.

Please also consider signing-up to the Commission’s stakeholder (email) notice board for live updates on any restricted access/response impacted/closed stations throughout the year. Visit the Commission website at https://www.wildrwsc.com/ for more information or contact the office at 780-967-0271 for more information.


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