Alberta Beach employs one (1) fulltime Community Peace Officer that is responsible for the enforcement of Traffic, Animal Control and Municipal Bylaws. As well in order to address the additional policing needs within the Village during the busy summer months. Alberta Beach continues to have RCMP coverage thru Parkland RCMP detachment North Zone Officers as well.
We have changed our dispatch provider from the Provincial Radio Communications Centre to Yellowhead County as Yellowhead will monitor our Peace Officer(s) while on duty and they will take all messages and forward them to him during his shift. When he is not on duty, they take the messages and forward him all calls when back on shift. The new contact telephone number for our Patrol Department is 587-212-0039.
Contact Information:
Alberta Beach Patrol Department
Complaints or Concerns:
Phone: (NEW) 587-212-0039
Police, Fire, Ambulance
RCMP Parkland Detachment
Non-emergency Complaint Line (24hrs) Telephone: 1-825-220-7267
Administration Telephone: 1-825-220-2000 (8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Fax: 1-825-220-2001
Spruce Grove/Stony Plain RCMP Drug Tip Line: 1-780-968-7212
Report a crime online here
Lifetime Dog License Fee’s (NEW)
Male or Female unaltered dogs $20.00
Neutered male or spayed Female dogs $10.00
Vicious Dog $250.00
Replacement Tag $5.00
- All dogs must be leashed and under your control at all times whenever in public and you are not on your own property.
- Dogs are NOT permitted to run at large
- Dogs are NOT permitted on the main public beach area or in parks; however they can be taken to the beach access road points.
- No more than THREE dogs per residence
- If a dog defecates on any public or private property other than the property owner, the owner shall remove such defecation immediately. Pet waste stations are located in Gazebo Park, Boat Launch Park, 47th Street and along the walking paths – these rules are in place for the enjoyment and safety of everyone.
If you have a concern or a complaint please call the Patrol Department by phone at 780-924-3434 or by email at

Due to the overwhelming need for parking, there is an overflow parking lot located east of 50th Street (adjacent to the Heritage Park and Ball Diamonds) and located behind the A.B. Senior’s Centre. Our goal is to alleviate some of the congestion in the summer due to the high volume of recreational traffic.
There is no parking permitted on the boat launch or on Lake Access Roads. Tow-away zones will be enforced!