Municipal Elections 2025

The next general municipal election will be held Monday, October 20, 2025.

Voters will elect: 5 Councillors

Additional information will be added to this webpage in the coming weeks.

You will be elected for a four-year term of office which expires in October 2029.

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected within the new council by resolution. Alberta Beach elections are regulated by the Local Authorities Election Act.

Elected officials play a critical role in shaping the future of Alberta Beach. If you’re passionate about the community and committed to making a difference, this is your opportunity to step up and lead. While it may seem far off, now is the time for residents to start thinking about running for Council.


  • Nomination Period: January 1, 2025, to September 22, 2025
  • Nomination Day (last opportunity to file nominations): September 22 at 12:00 noon
  • Election Day: October 20, 2025 (10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.)


Alberta Beach is participating in two candidate orientation sessions for anyone interested in learning about running for municipal office. The sessions will cover the election process, what it means to be a candidate, and what to expect if elected. Registration is not required; everyone is welcome to attend.

Option 1 – May 3, 2025
10:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Stettin-Nakamun Hall – 5404 Township Road 571, Lac Ste. Anne County

Option 2 – May 24, 2025
10:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Darwell Seniors Center (Interlake Golden Age Club) Hwy AB-765, Darwell, AB


Alberta Municipal Affairs made several changes to the Local Authorities Election Act and the Municipal Government Act in 2024. These changes will impact both voters and candidates alike. Changes to the Local Authorities Election Act (fact sheets) – 2024
Changes to the Municipal Government Act (fact sheets) – 2024


The notice of intent is a new legislated requirement and is different than the nomination process


Candidates can only accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses once they have submitted a notice of intent to run in the Alberta Beach Municipal Election. A notice of intent will be reviewed by the Returning Officer and is only complete once the candidate has been added to the Register of Candidates.

A notice of intent and being added to the Register of Candidates is not a substitute for completing the nomination process which starts January 1, 2025, and closes at 12 noon on Nomination Day, September 22, 2025. 

After January 1, 2025, candidates can submit their nomination forms and notice of intent at the same time. Nomination forms must be submitted with a notice of intent if you plan to accept contributions or incur expenses. 

Before submitting your notice of intent, please confirm your eligibility.

To be eligible to be nominated as a candidate, an individual must be:

  • At least 18 years old on Nomination Day (September 22, 2025).
  • A Canadian citizen.
  • A resident of Alberta Beach for the six consecutive months immediately preceding Nomination Day (September 22, 2025).
  • A resident of Alberta Beach on Election Day (October 20, 2025).
  • Not otherwise ineligible or disqualified under sections 22, 23 and 23.1 of the Local Authorities Election Act

Prospective candidates must understand the full extent of their legislated obligations. The information contained on our site is provided as a guide, we encourage prospective candidates to seek independent legal advice as required. Individuals are encouraged to review the eligibility criteria in the

Local Authorities Election Act prior to submitting a notice of intent.  

Councillor Candidates intending to run must complete the Notice of Intent to Run form and submit it to the Returning Officer in person at the Alberta Beach Village Office at 4935-40 Avenue, Alberta Beach or by email at

Once confirmed by the Returning Officer, the name of the candidate will be included on the Register of Candidates and posted publicly in accordance with the Local Authorities Election Act. Once a notice of intent has been accepted by the Returning Officer, an individual is allowed to accept contributions and/or incur campaign expenses according to the rules set out in the Local Authorities Election Act and the Expense Limits Regulation.

Please note that both, the Notice of Intent to Run Form, and the required nomination forms must be submitted in order to quality has a candidate in a Municipal Election.


The Register of Candidates is a record of all candidates who have given notice to Alberta Beach that they intend to seek nomination for office in the next general municipal election.

Alberta Beach is required to maintain a register of candidates that have given notice to run and the register will be publicly available on the Village’s website until December 31, 2025.

Candidates need to complete a specific form (the Release of Candidate Information Form) to allow their contact details to be shared with the public, media, election forum organizers, and government officials like the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs.

This process ensures transparency and allows the public and relevant organizations to communicate with candidates throughout the campaign. Candidates who are comfortable with having their contact information released must provide it to the Returning Officer at the time they submit their nomination papers. Without completing this form, the candidate’s information will not be made available to those requesting it.

Release of Candidate Information Form

First NameLast NameRegistration Date
DebbieDurocherFebruary 24, 2025

Please check back regularly as information on this page is subject to change and/or additional information may be posted. This information is provided as a courtesy to candidates and Alberta Beach is in no way responsible for errors or omissions. Please consult the Local Authorities Election Act  as a comprehensive guide to the election and the changes within. It is the responsibility of the candidate to read and understand the legislation and bylaw(s) concerning this election.


Nomination period opens: Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Nomination period closes: Monday, September 22, 2025, at 12:00 noon

Nominations for Councillors will be accepted at the Alberta Beach Village Office (4935-50 Avenue, Alberta Beach) from Thursday, January 2, 2025, until 12:00 noon on Monday, September 22, 2025. Should you wish to submit a nomination package, you must make an appointment with the Returning Officer at 780-924-3181.


The Local Authorities Election Act (as amended) governs municipal elections in Alberta. It sets out rules and regulations for candidates, donors, electors and election administrators that must be followed before, during and after an election.

Candidates are encouraged to develop a working understanding of all legislation concerning elections, including nominations, eligibility, campaigning restrictions, campaign finance and disclosure, election offences and prohibitions at voting stations.

To run in the 2025 municipal election in Alberta Beach, you must be:
• At least 18 years old;
• A Canadian citizen;
• An Alberta Beach resident since March 20, 2025;
• Not otherwise ineligible or disqualified to be a candidate.

Ineligibility for Nomination as a Candidate Sections 22 and 23 of the Local Authorities Election Act provides an overview of instances when a person is ineligible to be nominated as a candidate in a municipal election. Some of those instances include when:

  • The person is an auditor for the Village.
  • The person is an employee of the Village, unless that person takes a leave of absence.
  • The person is indebted to the municipality of which the person is an elector for taxes in default exceeding $50, excluding from that amount any indebtedness for current taxes, any indebtedness for arrears of taxes for which the person has entered into a consolidation agreement with the municipality, unless the person is in default in the payment of any money due under the agreement or the person is indebted to the local jurisdiction for which the election is to be held for any debt equalling or exceeding $500 and in default for more than 90 days.
  • The person has, within the previous 10 years, been convicted of an offence under the Local Authorities Election Act, the Election Act, or the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act of the
  • Canada Elections Act. As this information does not detail all instances of ineligibility, candidates are responsible for consulting the Local Authorities Election Act.

It is the Candidate’s responsibility to ensure they are eligible for nomination.

Candidate nomination packages are also available for pick up at the Village Office, 4935-50 Avenue, Alberta Beach, AB


Notice of Intent.
Submitting this will add you to the Register of Candidates and enables you to accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses set out in Part 5.1 Local Authorities Election Act.

Release of Candidate Information Form
Form 4 – Nomination Paper and Candidates Acceptance
Form 5 – Candidate Financial Information
Form 11 – Enumerator, Candidate or Official Agent Proof of ID for Section 52 Access
Form 12 – Campaign Worker Proof of ID
Form 16 – Statement of Scrutineer of Official Agent
Form 26 – Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement

All individuals who file a notice of intent form are required to submit
Form 26: Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement and are required to keep all records, including campaign receipts, for at least three years after the filing deadline.

Part 5.1 Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure of the Local Authorities Election Act outlines the requirements for contributions, limitations and acceptance of contributions, anonymous and unauthorized contributions, duties of candidates, fund-raising functions, expense limits, disclosure statements, campaign surplus, late filing, offences.


Notice of Intent forms and Nominations for Councillors will be accepted by the Returning Officer at the Alberta Beach Village Office (4935-50 Avenue, Alberta Beach) from Thursday, January 2, 2025, until 12:00 noon on Monday, September 22, 2025. Should you wish to submit a nomination package, please contact the Village Office at 780-924-3181.

When there are any changes to the information submitted, please notify the Village office as soon as possible.

To become a nominated candidate and appear on the ballot, a candidate must complete and file nomination papers during the nomination period from January 1 to Sept. 22, 2025.

2025 Campaign Disclosure and Financial Statement: If you have accepted contributions or incurred expenses in 2025 you must file the required campaign disclosure forms by March 1, 2026.


Submit the Notice of Intention – Candidates can only accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses once they have submitted a notice of intent to run in the Alberta Beach Municipal Election.

  • Release of Candidate Information is completed
  • Form 4 Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance is completed, including a minimum of five signatures from eligible electors in Alberta Beach. Form 4 is commissioned by the Returning Officer or a Commissioner for Oaths.
  • Form 5 Candidate Financial Information is completed
  • Form 11 Enumerator, Candidate or Official Agent Proof of Identification
  • Form 12 Campaign Worker Proof of ldentification
  • Form 16 Statement of Scrutineer or Official Agent


  • A candidate may withdraw their nomination at any time during the nomination period.
  • At any time within 24 hours after the close of the nomination period (deadline is 12:00 noon on September 23, 2025), if more than the required number of candidates for any particular office are nominated, a candidate may withdraw by filing with the returning officer a withdrawal in writing.
  • If, at the close of nominations, the number of nominations received equal the number required to be elected, the returning officer shall not accept withdrawals.


If, at the close of Nomination Day at noon on September 22, 2025, the number of candidates nominated for any office is the same as the number required to be elected, the Returning Officer shall declare the candidates to be acclaimed to the offices for which they were nominated.


Within 48 hours of the close of nomination day, the returning officer shall post or cause to be posted at the local jurisdiction office, the names of all candidates that have been nominated and the offices for which they were nominated.

A local jurisdiction intending to disclose personal information outside of the legislated timelines, by posting the names of candidates at any time prior to nomination day, must also consider the requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, such as seeking the written consent of the candidates.


Local Authorities Election Act
Municipal Government Act
Alberta Municipal Affairs – Elections Website
Alberta Municipal Affairs – Candidate’s Guide 2025 (coming soon)
Alberta Municipalities – Running for Municipal Office
What Every Councillor Need to Know – 2025
Roles and Responsibilities of Elected Officials in municipal government

Alberta Beach Candidate Information Package
Alberta Beach Council Procedure Bylaw #290-22
Alberta Beach Council Code of Conduct Bylaw #260-18
Alberta Beach Council Remuneration Policy G.2.9

Videos for Prospective Candidates


Candidates may appoint scrutineers to observe voting processes on election day and may also observe the ballot count. Scrutineers must be at least 18 years old and not convicted of an offence under the

Local Authorities Election Act, the Election Act, the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act or the Canada Elections Act in the last 10 years.

Every scrutineer must present a signed Appointment of Scrutineer form 16 to the presiding deputy in the voting station to observe proceedings on behalf of the candidate.


When to Vote:
Election Day is Monday, October 20, 2025.

Alberta Beach Agliplex
4811-46A Ave
Alberta Beach, AB, Alberta

10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.

Voter eligibility and identification requirements will be posted in advance.


To vote in the 2025 municipal election for Alberta Beach, you must be: 

  • At least 18 years of age; 
  • A Canadian citizen; 
  • A resident of Alberta Beach; and, 
  • A resident in Alberta Beach for six consecutive months prior to Oct. 20, 2025.

For more information please contact the Returning Officer at:

In-person: at the Village Office, 4935-50 Avenue, Alberta Beach, AB T0E 0A0
Hours: Tuesday to Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Email: returning_officer@admin
Phone: 780-924-3181

NEW FOR 2025 — With the proclamation of the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 20), municipalities are required to maintain a Permanent Electors Register of residents who are eligible to vote. Any individual who wishes to vote on Election Day must first be registered.

The voter list is based on the existing provincial list. Instructions on how to check if you are registered, as well as how to register if your name is not already on the list, will be available in early 2025.

Information required for the Permanent Electors Register will be shared between Elections Alberta and Alberta Beach as per the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) section 49. The information collected may only be used to verify the identification of an elector when compiling or revising the Permanent Electors Register.

We will continually update this page as new information and materials are released by the Province of Alberta.


For the upcoming general election, if an individual is on the municipality’s permanent electors register, that individual may use a driver’s licence issued by or on behalf of the Government of Alberta, or an identification card issued by or on behalf of the Government of Alberta that contains a photograph of the person and the person’s name and post office box number, to validate their identity.

If you are not already named on the Permanent Electors Registry, you must:
Make a statement confirming your eligibility to vote, in the prescribed Form 13 – Elector Register; and validate your identity and address of your residence by producing one (1) of the following:

  • One piece of Government-issued photo ID, including your full name, current address, and photo;
  • One piece of identification authorized under the Election Act (s. 100(2)(b)) that establishes your name and current address of residence.

If a voter’s identification shows a post office box number as the address instead of a residential or legal address, it can be accepted as verification of current address if it is in reasonable distance to the voting jurisdiction.


At the voting station, voters must provide identification that proves your identity and current residence. Any of the of the following documents with the voter’s name and address will be accepted: 

Voter Identification Requirements


Another Elector is only permitted to vouch for someone’s address, not their identity.
An Elector who has been vouched for cannot vouch for another

Please note: another elector can no longer vouch for your identity; you must be able to produce an acceptable form of identification.

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